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Bbc Quiz : Week 38

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Buenchico | 20:01 Fri 23rd Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
It's Friday again!

A decent start for me this week, with a score of SIX out of seven in the main quiz:

I'm not very childlike this week though, with my score of just TWO out of five in the junior quiz:

I was also far from brilliant in the Timed Teaser this week, with just FOUR out of ten:

So I'm sure that there'll be plenty of people beating my scores this week (as usual). Will you be one of them, I wonder?


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Well done on just sneaking ahead of me with your aggregate score this week, Fatticus ;-)
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Good evening, Kwillmott!

Disasters avoided I see - but not a lot else!


Arrgghh! I give up :o(
7/7 - go me ;-)
2/5 - me gone ;-(
6/10 - meh...
A pretty wretched 3 for me this week
Oh dear! 3/7, 2/5,2/10.
Three zeroes !!!

Shady has disowned me
One of 'those' nights:-(

With you on the 6/7 in the main quiz, Chris
Beat you in the kids quiz with 4/5 - would've been 5/5 but i kept losing count of the number of ants there were and in the end i just took a guess - a wrong one.
And, talking of wrong guesses, just 2/10 against the clock - my worst ever, if memory serves.
4/7 and 1/5. Back to normal Chris!
Question Author
Don't give up, Tigger! You'll get there eventually ;-)

LOL @ Lie-in King! Amazement at Lie-in King! Well done with that BRILLIANT maximum score!

3 ain't too bad, GG. I've often done much worse!

At least you're still avoiding any real disasters, Caran ;-)

I think that's some sort of a record, Haras2!!! I'm sure that Shady will let you stroke him if you offer him enough treats though ;-)

Hi Ken. Welcome to the Delightful Dozen (aggregate score club)! I knew that the ant count had to be one of two possible answers but, like you, I selected the wrong one. That race against the clock is never easy, in my opinion!
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Oops! I nearly missed 10CS sneaking in there!

At least the 4's 'OK', I suppose ;-)
My best ever result!
6 in the adult one. Damn constipation!
4 in the kids
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Well done, JJ109!

A near-perfect (and unconstipated) adult and near-perfect kid too!

4, 1, 4 - obviously sleeping this week :-(
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At least you steered clear of any disasters, Toorak, and you've done better than quite a few people anyway!
Thanks Chris. Down to earth with a bump this week.

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Hi, Twix!

So that's "middling", "middling" and "perhaps we'll just keep quiet about it" for you then ;-)

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Bbc Quiz : Week 38

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