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stigworth | 13:55 Wed 27th Sep 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
I have 2 popup's on the right hand side of my laptop that say I have viruses on my laptop, when I run a scan to delete the viruses it says that i do not have any ?

they are clearly trying a scam to get me to purchase their anti spyware.

can any advise me on how to delete these anoying popup's ?


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YES! it is a huge ploy - one which i think should be banned!
As long as you have adequate anti-virus and adware removal tools, you should be fine.
I dont think you can remove the pop-ups other then selecting the tick box on your Internet Options box, or changing your settings on your anti-virus programme.

good luck
Maybe you've contracted some spyware? i don't know much about it, but if your virus software doesn't check for spyware it might be worth trying a dedicated program like Ad Aware... dition/3000-8022_4-10399602.html?tag=lst-3-10

Hope this helps!

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