I went to sit outside the back door with a glass of red to stare at the stars. Foxy was sitting at the top of Poolaroo looking cross. We outstared each other and he won.
I went in, Dave went out and Foxy ran to greet him with a big smile. He won't approach anyone but Dave.
Do you think Foxy sees Dave as his Dad?
When we looked at this house, Johnny it was in the middle of a large flat field. The owner couldn't sell to us til he had updated the percolation system. Four bedrooms required a larger than we need system.
Too much rock to dig down so he had to build up. When we came for a last look before buying we had a huge mountain in the back of the field which looked just like Uluru. So we named it Poolaroo. It's now a wildflower mountain.
Ahh so thats where SD's gone.... I jest not living in a cul'de'sac apart from being out in the sticks I spotted a Fox/Vixen in my garden whilst washing up... six foot fences around where I live no idea how they got in but amazing seeing how they pounce like cats... in my overgrown grass.