It’s important to understand the law of believing. In the physical world, we accept the law of gravity. In the spiritual realm, the law of believing is just as real and has both a positive side and a negative side. God is always about the positive side, confidence, trust, and faith. The devil is all about the negative side, doubt, worry, and fear, as these are his means of bringing destruction to people’s lives. In Job 1:10 we see that the devil observed that God had placed a hedge of protection around Job including all that he owned and even the prosperity of his land. That hedge was there because of Job’s love for God and the fact that he rejoiced in God's confidence, trust, and faith, therefore doubt, worry, and fear had no inroad to Job’s life.
God calls His people believers because that’s what he expects of us. Without believing it’s impossible to please Him. When the disciples were fearful, after he calmed the storm, Jesus taught them to get their vision up, saying, “O ye of little faith [believing]...” Positive believing is energized by love and results in positive action, God's protection, and prayers being answered. An encouraging hymn begins:
Believing is the key to Heaven
But faith unlocks the door
Words are so easily spoken
A prayer without believing is like a boat without an oar...