Over two weeks ago I woke with a slight itch behind my knee. Inspection found a little spot with a sting still in it. Removed the sting and treated it. Within days the affected area was as large as a saucer, burning and purple and red.
Antibiotics were required but luckily ones I could still enjoy a drink with. Mind you, they haven't worked.
A number of folk in the village have been bitten by false widow spiders this week. The sting still in my leg made me dismiss this.
Research tonight tells me that this spider can leave a sting. It's a nasty little devil.
But worse....where in the bedroom is it!! :-(
So I firmly believe, Zacs. I accidentally took Metronidazole once and had wine. No problem though it's the one with a firm no alcohol rule.
If the wind drops I may go down to the sea and have a deep paddle...that will sort it I'm told...or drown me.
You can have moderate amounts of alcohol with all antibiotics, Gness. Moderate, you see ;-)
o well
metronidazole shows an antabuse effect - 20% get naus and vomiting without a dosage effect
( yeah yeah OK suppose you get a dropper and drop sweet sherry on the tongue etc)
As I read this a huge spider has run across the room in front of me. I think there is a large family of them living in a hole in the brick fireplace. They come out every evening. The dog is fascinate picks them up very gently sometimes with legs coming out her mouth. But she never kills them. Let's them go when she gets bored with them and off they run quite happily!
I don't mind the big ones, MissT...it's this little one I'm wary of. Big gloves on now to rummage in the wood pile...and of course shake the bedding each night. :-)
Thanks for asking Gness. Still grotty so taking a few days out from bungalow hunting and house selling. I'm pretty stressed. Looking for something within 5 miles because we love this area and don't want to move where there are too many second home owners and tourists and certainly not near the coast here now which is now called Chelsea on Sea or the millionaires coast. Beach huts at £60,000 +