I sat on my own in the gymnasium, given exam papers based upon the subjects taught at that specific school.
we were bussed and herded into St Dunstans I think - and took it with all the other kids. we had er done alot I mean ALOT of latin ( not tested) and no Geog ( tested). We took it philosophically see above. Some passed.
My sister had exams in the first week of term - aaaaagh !
Did test what the kids knew tho'
The girl I was giving a leedol bit of help to in arith, I warned her that they might be tested post covid as the teachers would have to find out what the kids had learnt over 2 y. She was the only one who cd do fractions and was called to the head of the class to show the rest how it was done ! ( bloody hard work, reluctant 9 y o, an hour a day for 40 days)