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AME10032 | 19:25 Wed 05th Oct 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
A very odd dingbat tonight ! Top line is the name DAVID (in capitals) ; under that, and spaced across the whole box, the letters j k l m n o ( all lower case). The odd part is that underneath the little n is a drawing of a bra (yes, honestly ! ). Any ideas, please ?


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david attenborough
david at n bra
Very good Mallyh.
I kept thinking David Letterman.. :-)
So did I Patsy!
Great work from Mally, as usual. You're so good as these things.

However, must say I would never have got it, because where I was dragged up, 'borough' and 'bra' are a million miles apart. As in, say Loughbough, which isn't pronounced Loughbra.
Doh! Loughborough ^^
Letterman seems OK to me - letter followed by something which supports women.

Oh, you're brave Canary, very brave .......... or.... :))

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