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Tilly2 | 21:41 Tue 10th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
When I was at work, I was efficient, capable and on on top of the game. If a task needed doing, it would go on a list and get done and ticked off.

Now, because there's always tomorrow, I put things off.

Today, I made myself do something that has needed doing for the last six months. It was a chore but I did it and I felt so much better, having completed the task.

I'm going to start making lists again. That's the real me.

Are you a list maker, or a procrastinator?


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I am retired now but when I was working I was just as you describe. It seems we are more organised when up against it.. I heard that Maggie Thatcher once said "If you want something done, give it to someone who is busy" Its about the only thing I agreed with her on. Well that's my theory anyway.
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