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Is The Economy 7 Scheme For Electric Consumers Still Available?

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sandyRoe | 08:18 Sat 08th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
The cost of electricity was cheaper if used at off peak times.


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it seems so, have a check on my link, see if it answers your question.
Yes, I have E 7 water heater.
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I notice you pay for the installation of the meter. That might eat into the savings you'd make in the first year but it might save money in the long run.
We use to have it and the downside was you paid a higher rate in the day than the standard rate for electric. To make any savings we had to use roughly 50% of our daily electric in the early hours midnight to 7am
We have Economy 10 as we have storage heaters. It used to be that the day rate was very high, but since everyone's rates are high now, it doenst seem so bad. The off peak rate is well worth it for us and I use it for washing and batch cooking as well as heating.
If you have a smart meter you don't need a second meter to go on to Economy 7 tariff. I have that in writing from my supplier
I will be very surprised if you can get an E7 tariff at the moment. The price cap is less than the re-sellers are paying for the electricity, so they are not going to sell it even cheaper. I've just checked a few big names and some are refusing to accept any new customers on any tariffs.

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