Well that's a bit tough to believe, sunspots follow an 11 year major cycle and have been pretty heavily studied ever since Galileo's time. I'd be surprised if there was something that major that was not already included in the existing climate models.
What we do know for sure is that glaciers are at their smallest for many hundreds of years possibly thousands of years
The 2% human contribution issue is misleading because although it's small it's not in balance.
Every year we put in 6 billion tons but only 3 billion are removed.
In TOTAL green house gasses are up 25% in the last 150 years.
And these are figures from the American Department of Energy not the Guardian
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggccebro/chap ter1.html
So pretty much everybody's agreed the planets going to get warmer the only question is whether or not we're going to seriously try to do something about it or whether we're going to put our trust in sunspots.