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Oh Dear I Missed Fat Bear Tuesday

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pastafreak | 10:53 Wed 12th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
The winner was crowned yesterday...after a bit of a voting scandal.


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No nature lovers?
You can meet the bears here...young and old
More voting fraud - where's Grizzly Trump when you need him ?
Question Author
I'm trying to figure out where the fraud came from.
Well, at least it introduced me to the characteristics of Alaskan brown bears.
Trump living rent free in your head Canary?

He certainly is a beauty isnt he(the bear, not Canary), I love bears although vicious there is something about them.

Wouldnt want to meet him in the woods when he was hungry though!
Question Author
They are magnificent creatures, aren't they?
I can't resist sharing this video, T-shirt the bear. He is huge and it is nice to see the officers treat him with respect.

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Lol!! So much for magnificent. He's just dopey! Thanks wolf ;)

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Oh Dear I Missed Fat Bear Tuesday

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