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I Must Be Stupid

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barry1010 | 14:32 Sun 16th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just reading one of Delia Smith's recipes and I had to google two of the ingredients as I had no idea what they were.
Instant espresso powder and savoiardi biscuits.

Any old instant coffee powder and ladyfinger biscuits. Why didn't she say so?


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Doesn’t sound as impressive though does it?
Espresso powder won’t be any old instant coffee powder surely? I would have thought it’s very strong stuff.
Espresso powder is basically instant espresso so unless your instant coffee says espresso it won’t be strong enough
Are you making tiramisu?
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I googled 'instant espresso powder' expecting something special and the results were Nescafé ordinary coffee and other ordinary coffee powders.
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Nigella's Bailey's tiramisu, tigger
I love any sort of coffee cake. I need that recipe. I don't drink coffee but hubby drinks loads so there's always plenty of strong coffee powder in the cupboard.
I’m amazed! Maybe if you want something vaguely resembling espresso coffee you just put double the powder in the cup … or something like that.
But all my cake making tins and things got thrown out years ago. I can't stand baking. I could bake well but hated it!
Like Naomi said...just make the instant more concentrated. It may not be exactly as Nigella makes it, but should be ok.
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Thanks for the tip, naomi, I shall do that. I shall buy a jar of this for next time
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You don't need baking tins, just a dish
Ooh, not baking as such for that. Thanks Barry!
I haven't gone through all the coffees that Tesco sell but they sell this which is probably what you are looking for?
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Thanks, Barsel
You're welcome Barry. I love Tiramisu, it's one of my favourites.
Me too Barsel.

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