I think my husband is autistic. Granted, many autistic characteristics within the autistic spectrum are largely 'male' characteristics, but he has so many of them and some to such a degree that i would put money on it. From stories I have heard from his mum about his behaviour as a child and at school, I don't doubt that if he were in school today he would definately be referred to the ed pyche. It was only when I was training as a teacher and began to read and look up on autism that I realised.
My husband leads a very normal life. I guess he would come under the aspergers, or high functioning autistic spectrum. He is one of the brightest people I know and has specific talents that border on excellence, one being music the other being maths. He kind of gets most humour, but has to have things spelled out for him. He is not big on subtelties and doesn't have any close friends. He demands excellence in others as he can't bear to have things not right and has many 'systems'. Some things his is fastidious about, other's he couldn't care less for. He doesn't always cotton on to irony or sarcasm unless very obvious (which is a bone of contention for us as I am a very word-gamesy type person) he doesn't always get dead pan humour either, but does have an obvious bannana skin humour. He doesn't need people in the way that I do or need to talk things over, he just assesses and solves. He likes to follow protocols and processes and works and works until something is finished often forgetting to eat/sleep etc etc, very single minded. Think a male version of Chloe o'brien from '24'.
Having said that he is now a seniour manager for an investment bank in the city and doesn't even have a degree. so I guess he leads a normal life, however, I have met many of his colleagues and all I will say is, he seems to fit right in!