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Would I Have Messed My Interview Up?

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abbeyleigh | 18:33 Thu 20th Oct 2022 | Jobs & Education
22 Answers
I went to an interview today was a nice chat but I wish I hadn't been so tired and less nervous although they basically said they allow nerves. I just wish I had done better. We had a good chat and he complimented my question. Was in there for I'd say 20 minutes and thanked for them for interviewing me.


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I massively messed up a typing test on an interview I went for. I wrote to them and said I know I had messed it up, but the boss had already decided he wanted me. That interview changed my life. If it is meant to be it is meant to be. Absolutely no point worrying about it. Worrying will not change the outcome.
18:46 Thu 20th Oct 2022
When asked your ambitions in this firm never say your job .old ploy of interviewers is to ask did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came .Acause there was no mat there .
Blumming Barmaid nicking my Best Answer. sob

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Would I Have Messed My Interview Up?

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