Brexit was fine - but not completed or handled properly; which is unforgiveable. Since then dragging factors, Covid etc. have not helped, compounded by an idle, pro-E.U. civil service dragging its feet in the hope of forcing us back into the single market and thence back into the E.U. even though they know it would be on horrible, weakening terms which would destroy the country.
Given all that, it's not going too badly and many EU countries are in far worse state.
Atheist, I also have friends there who are badly affected, but it's not just the level of the pound. They don't get the winter allowance, because France came in as too warm a country once they added in the 'Outre-mers'. Lots of other little things like that. Also, when I left prices were shooting up. Extra little taxes and charges here and there. So very many of them. It was cheap to live there until about 2010 - then it shot up.