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lankeela | 09:01 Sat 29th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
So how many spam posts are we going to be bombarded with today? Why on earth can the first post of new members be monitored?


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I've been thinking about the whole spamming and trolling situation. It seems that registering a new account on AB is easy peasy, mainly because of throwaway emails and VPNs.

How difficult and expensive would it be to to set up a text verification service so that a code is sent to your mobile phone as part of that registration process. Surely people can't amass different phone numbers like they do throwaway emails?
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Maybe if there was a delay? - like you can't make a post until 24 hours after you register....
//Why on earth can the first post of new members be monitored? //

I don't think the Eds work long enough hours to do that. They seem to pop in and out only intermittently - leaving the place mainly to the mods to monitor.
Why don't you apply to be a moderator
Question Author
I would but there would be an instant loss of quite a few regulars!
It really needs a solution that won't involve human (or mods or eds - lol) intervention on a post by post basis. No point in making work for folks.
A double opt in system?
First World problems.
fortunately that's where most of us live doug.
And it must be pretty idyllic, davebro, when nonsense like this about a two-bob outfit takes up our time.

Off to measure the gap in my curtains now.
At least the grammar and sentence construction is so bad , it makes for a good laugh
// At least the grammar and sentence construction is so bad , it makes for a good laugh//

My grammar use to say, 'Never leave a gap between the comma and the last letter of the word preceding it'. She was right you know!
Punked on your punctuation there, Bazile. :-)
-- answer removed --

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