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A Silver Sixpence And An Orange In Your Christmas Stocking.

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sandyRoe | 14:29 Tue 08th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Happy days. What would the modern day coin need to be?
I'm thinking of more than 60 years ago.


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a fourpenny piece was a GROAT
This suggests a couple of pounds upwards, depending very much on condition.
The problem with quoted inflation is what articles it is comparing then and now. eg, a current |TV costs pennies compared to the cost of one in the 1960s.. When I was a boy in the late 1940s a Mars bar cost 6d so, perhaps, the current cost of a Mars bar (if it's the same weight) is a fair comparison.
I used to get a lump of coal. ;-(
Of course, it wasn't considered a precious commodity then, as it is now.
Wasn't the coal for New Year, Spicy?
Spicey traditionally a lump of coal was given to a naughty child ....
My mum reckoned Santa left it for naughty kids.
Rotten life I had.
It's amazing I ended up so well adjusted really.
Yes, I was forgetting about the threat of coal for naughty children (I was never naughty). I was thinking about first-footers on New Year's eve who took a gift of coal to welcome in the New Year, a symbol that they would have fuel for the year.
Scotland, bhg?
North of England, Spicy.
I'd heard about it in Scotland. Didn't know English people did it as well.
We tend to just go to the pub, here in Wales. Of course, we're not terrified of spending money. ;)
// I used to get a lump of coal. //

You were Lucky!

Used t' av t' get up at 4 int mornin...
Aye lad, reet lucky.
I’ve never heard of giving coal to naughty children. I have heard of taking coal and bread (symbolising warmth and food) to a house at new year - and the ‘first footer’ to enter the house must be a dark man.

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