A lovely pink and blue bike called a 'pink witch'. It had a blue saddlebag at the back and a basket on the front, It was a Christmas present from Mum and Dad. I loved that bike.
The first 'real' bike was a Dayton (yellow) I then moved on as I started racing & not only touring to a P.T. Stallard (frame), of Wolverhampton, a 'curly' Hetchins, a Johnny Berry, of Manchester (which I still have) & I have still an all Campagnolo equipped, Francesco Moser.
I learnt on my mother's bike but my first own bike was an ancient BSA that was given to me by my grandfather when he stopped riding aged 70 on the orders of my mother after a fall. He had a bad leg from an injury at work where he was hit by a train so he was a bit shaky on it by 70. He had ridden it all his life. Never owned a car.
Very faded red, single speed, 28 inch, coaster brake. It was very heavy but that didn't really matter because I grew up in a very flat town.
My only bike was a rusty old hand-me-down with cow=horn handlebars and about the only thing i recall about is that the back wheel always followed the front one.
Red. I was seven and kept it in the shed at the bottom of the garden. The boy two doors down set fire to the shed when we were on holiday. He was a nasty bully who beat up all the kids in the street, girls included.
He later became the Chief Constable of Northants.