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Brown Bags

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Bazile | 12:47 Tue 15th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
In American TV series / films people go to the grocery store and leave with brown bags full of stuff , which they often struggle to carry

So why don't they have handles on the bags , which would make carrying them so much easier ?


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Handles don't really work with heavy paper bags, the weight of the shopping pulls on the handles causing the bar to tear.
I've often wondered why the shopping doesn't get nicked when it is put in to the open rear of the truck they are driving.
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I'm sure the Americans can come up with a sturdy brown bag and handles .

Afteral they are clever enough to make it look like they landed on the moon
They didn't fool us though, baz
// Americans... (cut)... landed on the moon //

They developed a pen that could write in space. The total cost of its production was $1 million.

The Russians chose to use a pencil.
In some of the Simpson's episodes Marge come through the checkout with 2 brown bag - shopping in one, Maggie in the other. The till display rings up more than $400. What did she buy?
// 2 brown bag - shopping in one, Maggie in the other. The till display rings up more than $400. //

LOL... Like they say, 'Everything is big in America!'
i remember Deidre Barlow working in alfs shop was talking to another character while she was ringing up the items about 6 in all,she rang up 3 /6p for them all you could see the till. somethings stick in ya mind,
Americans drive everywhere - they only have to go from the store to the carpark so they don't need handles.
Also someone else puts them in the car
Bloomingdales have paper carrier bags with handles but that's not a place to you to for heavy groceries.
I don't know about big Morrison's, but the little...overpriced...local near me has brown paper bags with handles.
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//Americans drive everywhere - they only have to go from the store to the carpark so they don't need handles.//

What about the walk from the car park to their tenement block when they reach home - up the stairs to their front door - struggling to hold the bags and fiddling with their front door keys ( you see it all the time on TV :-)
Those brown bags are brilliant. Really strong. That said, I don’t live in a New York tenement. ;o)
I’ve got the Little Brown Bag from Bloomingdale’s but that would only carry my mobile phone :0(
OP - begging the question why don't they have re-usable plastic/hessian bags? I've been using the same bag for years now. Must be more eco even than throwaway paper bags.

Maybe they do.
You ask a good question. The paper bags do not seem practical. maybe they should use their own reusable cloth bags with handles like i do at Tescos.
Using a paper bag with handles risks the bottom falling apart and the liquid refreshments it's carrying smashing on the ground.

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