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Voting On Scottish Indeoendence

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naomi24 | 11:03 Thu 24th Nov 2022 | News
33 Answers
In the wake of the recent judgement and Nicola Sturgeon's determined response, if Westminster conceded to her wish for another referendum but threw the question out to the whole country, how would you vote? For Scottish independence - or against?


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//A union of nations will always be stronger than an individual country going it alone.//

Obviously Ms Sturgeon would disagree. How do you define "stronger"?
Against independence.
//A union of nations will always be stronger than an individual country going it alone.//

A lot of ABers will gladly argue that not all unions of nations are stronger than going it alone.
//A union of nations will always be stronger than an individual country going it alone.//

No, they wont 'always'.

If one partner has a deep rooted desire to go then the team is broken and the infighting will be worse than the divorce.

Sunak should call their bluff. Say Parliament will be holding a vote on a law that gets rid of them. Watch her and Baclkford squeal then!
I’m torn because I have quite a few Scottish friends who don’t want what Ms Sturgeon wants, yet part of me saysLet them go and let’s see how they manage without all the perks they get like free prescriptions, free university places to name just two
The crux is whether the union being considered is of smaller nations with much the same culture such that it is more effective together acting as one nation, or a massive conglomerate of widespread nations with diverse views where individual members just get told they must do what some foreign elite tells them, even when the member knows that's wrong. If one can feel one is still in a single nation then it's very likely beneficial, if it feels one is just being controlled by the demands of external lords & masters, it isn't going to be acceptable.
totally against the split. We are i am sure better together. I have had many Scottish friends too and i don't think they would have considered a split.
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they won't become Independent, stronger economically together...
//they won't become Independent, stronger economically together...//

Scotland might be. I'm not so sure about England, though.
Why don't all the arguments that applied to the UK being better off outside the EU apply to Scotland being outside the UK?
See the answer at 12:02 yesterday, tomus. And Tora's famous "ten questions that need answering" mentioned in other posts on this topic.

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