4 to 6 is a “normal” reading for an adult male indicating an almost non diabetic state. However, you have to factor in BMI, age, other health conditions etc etc, there are good diabetes websites hosted By the nhs , which show you how to do this, and they display all your texts results done by your go or practice nurse, I have type 2 and was gradually getting off the the scale, because I don’t make enough insulin naturally, some but not enough. Now I inject dulaglutide once per week to add to my insulin . My readings are now much steadier, no excursion up to 14 plus anymore . Averaging 6 to 8.5 now , which for someone who does not make enough insulin, is pretty good, and reduces the risk of a hypo. Hope that helps as I said there are good nhs resources online which will help you understand this. Mydiabetesmyway is the one I use.