Paypal in The AnswerBank: Personal Finance
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Canary42 | 20:03 Mon 05th Dec 2022 | Personal Finance
6 Answers
I have just been checking my PayPal account. I discovered to my alarm that for a number of Companies I have recently bought from, my PayPal record shows approval for any future payments. I have never specifically stated this so it looks like the default (which should be for single payment only IMO). I have deleted this option from all the Companies.

So, be warned, if you don't want Companies milking your Paypal account, check it after any purchase and cancel approval for future payments.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Thanks for the info. The world allows a lot of abuse as default these days. No authority seems bothered enough to stop it.
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You're right there OG, Companies get away with murder hidden in masses of small print.
I have several showing but none has ever been milked.... by all means cancel them as a safety thing but it may just complicate thing's if you do want to use paypal for a quick payment to one of them companies
Lol they can’t milk your account, all it means is that if you purchase from them in the future your details are stored and it makes the purchasing process quicker.
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I respect your trusting natures but as one who has suffered several Credit Card frauds and one ID theft, I remain cynically suspicious.
PayPal is one of the safest methods of payment there is, much safer than paying by credit card.

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