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Goodnight You Nice People

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Bobbisox1 | 23:38 Thu 08th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Had a strange day, up and down but finished on a high note


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Night, Bobbi....sleep well and hope no downs tomorrow. x
Nos Da
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Thank you Gness ,tomorrow starts on a high I’m sure :0)
Nighty night everbloody.
I always hesitate to respond to such posts, assuming the poster is no longer signed in so won't see the response anyway.

But in case you're still lurking Bobbi, Goodnight, sleep well :-)
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I slept very well thank you Canary ;0)
Pleased to hear it Bobbi
Question Author
We have snow lying here so it’s a day indoors ;0)

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Goodnight You Nice People

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