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Two Gummies And A Greta

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lankeela | 10:27 Tue 20th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
spam post in one single column! Ed please sort this site out, its getting ridiculous now.


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Andy, not a wise move to express your thoughts openly. You have made yourself look like a spoiled child. Sorry,
That does not negate my point that naomi becoming a Moderator is the height of hypocrisy.

If she was as honest as she is critical, she would decline the offer.
Missterious - I did not select this thread as the place for exchanges of feelings. But since this is where it is, I am happy to use it as others are, to express my views.

There is never any need for anyone to apologise to me for expressing a view of what I post.
ANDY, NAOMI might make a very good Mod.

If she is not fair and neutral, will the EDs not have, "words of advice" to give?

You cannot know what posts she has deleted and therefore it is up to the EDs to decide if a Mod is doing the job properly.
How strange. This was posted this morning at 09:27 by Lankeela in Chatterbank but does not appear in the CB category? Something afoot here?
I'll say no more. I'm just a bit shocked that you have acted this way. It hasn't done you any favors as a member or a moderator.
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Lol. Andy and Naomi both mods. Do we wish to hasten the demise of AB ?
Missterious - I am not on the business of 'doing myself any favours' in any capacity, that would make me a hypocrite, and my views on that are well known.
I am going to close the thread here. The site has many moderators, with many different characteristics. Naomi24 is a welcome addition to the team. I think it will give her valuable insight into just how much power the mods do and don't have.
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