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Morning Early Birds

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Redhelen72 | 04:52 Tue 20th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Blasted dogs woke me up and I was in such a deep sleep!
Well I shall try to snooze on the sofa.
Hope we get an update from Emmie soon.
What’s on your dance cards for today?


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Late good morning here...
I'm still in my jammies, plastered to the sofa. Daughter is on zoom meeting, and her partner is working in the spare room. It's a shame they've both got work commitments still...but I don't mind being lazy.
Morning Pasta x
Morning Lottie...are you feeling any better?
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Morning ladies, keep well MissT and we want photos of your jimjams pasta
Pasta, are you staying with your daughter? What about young Tobias?

I got up and got dressed, I had breakfast and now I am going back to bed with my hot water bottle and a packet of paracetamol. I have caught some virus or something and feel like something the cat dragged in.

I just posted on the mod-related post in CB but my answer was zapped by the ed closing the thread.


Yes wolf...I'm in the Big Smoke. I've got the same cat sitter as last year...she's a lovely Plymouth goth :)
Sorry you're unwell wolf...EVERYONE has the bug. It's making the rounds. Feel better soon x
Pasta. Not really feeling better, the average recovery time for post sepsis in between 6 and 18 months, but my doc says no less the 14 weeks for me. Its an up and down situation. All my arthritic joints and my spine hurt like mad and mentally ìm a wreck. Even more so than normal ;0)
Everyone is ill :/
I hope y'all get better soon.
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Love the Jimjams Pasta lol
My husband bought me Miami Dolphins ugly pj's for our anniversary present - orange and teal green!!
I'll keep asking MissT though I know it's a ridiculously long and difficult recovery. You'll get through it...being a tough old girl as

Red...Teal and orange are complimentary colours...though bright! Do you follow American footie?
Does she stay at your flat? Toby must be getting braver if he is letting someone else feed him.

your pyjamas sound really 'unusual'. I usually just wear an old t-shirt and leggings.

Lottie - I hope that your recovery from sepsis is a steady one. It is a terrifying illness to develop as it seems to creep up on you and then it attacks.
I know that you are unlikely to be running any marathons but I hope that your health does improve and you have no further problems.

Thanks Pasta. Your tough old girl as.......
Dont leave me in suspense! X
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Yes, although I am new to it - the husband loves it
Thanks Wolf. I am finding things quite frightening at times. Fear of the unknown. PSS to me has been worse than the Sepsis and I live in fear of what might happen. But Sepsis Trust Uk are amazing and I can phone my allocated nurse there for along chat when things get bad. He's amazing.

My hubby, dog and three cats are keeping me going. One of the cats has taken up permanent residence next to me on the bed in the spare room. Im nn the Spare room because of my disrupted sleep and want hubby to sleep well. He deserves a medal! X
PSS? is it Sjögren's syndrome?

At least your kittie will keep you nice and warm. They smell nice too. did 'as' sneak in? she doesn't stay. £12 a day for one visit is enough, thank you very much. She never sees him...she only got a glimpse of him on the sofa when she came to collect the key. Her message this morning was that he'd eaten all his food...a good thing.
I googled that when my brother was scared the *** out of me. At that time there was also an awful lot in the news about it...cases plus articles about how to recognise it.
My doc was amazing Pasta and got me straight into the icu. Hubby rushed me 35 miles to get there. I was actually asked if ì pegged it would ì want to be recussitated! I then lost the next three days to delirium. My husband and son were called in at one point because I wasn't expected to live. And I remember all the delirium events, one being starring in a film. They are really clear. Hence ptsd now. I was discharged after 12 days feeling reasonableand given no information by the hospital about what might follow! I feel worse now than when í was in hospital and can't stop worrying. Terrified it will happen again too.

How is your brother now?

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