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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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lady-janine | 10:54 Fri 30th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I wonder how far this will go today.

1. I am still breathing.
2. It is not icy outside.
3. Although a bit dodgy(at the moment) I still have electricity.
4. Enough food in so that I don't have to go shopping (very windy and wet outside).

If I think of anything else I'll add it.


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Ah, I've got cheese as a reason to be cheerful also...loads of it!
I love squirrels, Diz. My garden is a mess as I'm not one for gardening (worm phobia) so I'm happy to see them. They're cute :o)
The red squirrels still have a stronghold in the woods near Crosby beach. Feeding time starts at 0930 and a short walk gives you a chance to enjoy loads of sightings. Dave loved that reserve as it also had a number of the rarer finches in the pines.
I think that's the place I went to, Rowan. Looks familiar but I had been diagnosed with depression at the time and can't remember much. My ex's parents lived in the Wirral and we visited for a few days.
They have red Squirrels on Anglesey too, more recently reintroduced. They were in the woods a short walk from Dave's flat.
Cheese is very much a reason to be cheerful.
1. My new Manager has said we can all go an hour early
2. OH just called and little G came on the phone and said, "Hello mummy, I've been a good boy." {{Awwww}}
3. I don't have to cook tonight
4. I'm looking forward to welcoming in the New Year.
5. I've got no major concerns in life, other than the usual stresses of everyday life.
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So pleased that so many have a reason to be cheerful. Couldn't get back earlier as our electricity and wifi was playing up. Had to go shopping this pm as youngest wanted a couple of things.
RTBC : 5. I was able to go shopping for her. Have car and the weather was not too bad.

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