Good morning Diz - hope that your forthcoming meetings are not too traumatic, in fact, I hope they are not traumatic at all. Stress is never welcome.
You were very kind and understanding to me years ago and I have never forgotten.
I wish you and your oh well for the coming year.
Hi lcg - looks like you ae going to have a happy time tonight. Hope it all goes well.
Very quiet here. I have every intention of keeping it that way. My NY partying is a thing of the distant past. I enjoyed it when it happened but now it is gone as I have aged.
I know I don't have contact with you and that is fine but glad you could help a mutual friend the other day. Thanks.
Oh L-J, I'd help anyone, anytime. I should be thanking you really, for your help in it all. At least there are people looking out for friends in need.
I'm more than happy for Bobbi or Minty to give you my contact details and it would lovely if you could make the AB get together, although I understand that some people's commitments and so on would not permit it.
lcg - thanks for that. I'll contact one of them sometime today.
Don't suppose I'll make the meet up as that would be such a journey for me and leaving OH (early alz) is not an option. But it sounds a great idea and I hope you all have a wonderful time if it comes off. I will certainly be with you all in spirit.
I'm more than happy for Minty to pass my contact number onto either of you two if an invitation would be extended to myself. In fact I'm more than happy for you two to have my contact number regardless.
I'll try and find where you helped me Lady-janine :>
Thanks Diz. Look forward to that. Think you will have to go a long way back. Several years before Boaty I think. Not important. Just glad that I was able to.