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Were We All, (Or Most Of Us ) Conned?

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Khandro | 17:19 Sat 31st Dec 2022 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
"I knew normally it took seven to ten years to develop a vaccine and for the safety data to be vetted before they could safely release it on human beings."

Apart from my stroke, I have now a heart condition which has to be monitored, & Mrs K. has been coughing for months, something she's never done before.



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Having a Covid never meant that Covid would disappear, we still have Flu in circulation and flu vaccinations have been around for years.
Most people have had Covid vaccinations now, so what is the point of scare stories.
There have always been conspiracy theorists. Unfortunately the Internet gives them the attention they otherwise would not have
That does not prove the vaccine or Covid caused the clots. It just proves that some people who were jabbed went on to have blood clots.
Only if clots have abnormally increased in the last 2 years would that prove the mass vaccinations are causing mass deaths and injuries.
My god - you're right !
2 odd - very odd cases in at least 2 billion doses given - it is either a) big pharma-FDA conspiracy
b) aliens ( most likely)
c CIA plan to implant microchips to ensure the lizard head ruling Washington rule the world
d. *** ignorance of all the know-alls on AB
e all of the above.
///Do you not think you owe an apology for your past opinions then, Canary?///

and those who were not conned

well non vaccs are not exactly dancing frooda streets saying - "we all told you so!"
er and dont tell me there arent any non-vaccs in Chinese hospitals and er lying there and dying there

there arent? - you know this do you?
well there's a thing
The key thing is of those deaths blamed on vaccines how many would have died if they caught covid without vaccines. I don't doubt that there have been issues more closely linked to moderna and Astra zeneca,hence the introduction of some age restrictions but knowing the long term effects of covid itself,where there is evidence for likely permanent disability with long covid it must come down to sensible risk evaluation. It's always going to be a balance of probabilities.
"//Why don't you do some research before making a fool of yourself "//

I'm always suspicious and a bit scornful of people who tell others to "do the research" as if the person giving such advice was the only one with any proper knowledge of a topic.
Research can be and often is biased - based on key words chosen, material selected for attention, level of ability to understand information found, and willingness to be open minded enough to see flaws, inconsistencies and poor methodology in the research identified.
So to those who tell others "do the research" - do the research yourself, and you'll find that "research" is not always reliable.
// Why don't you do some research before making a fool of yourself //

And your research is an article on a right wing website edited by a climate change denier, anti vaxxer and anti BBC campaigner - so that is hardly a reliable source or unbiased.
I have some sympathy for Khandro’s position – he, having been given a vaccine that has not undergone the normal screening process to ensure the risks have been adequately assessed, and then soon after suffering quite serious negative health issues.

Some years ago a relative’s son was given the MMR jab and shortly thereafter he developed quite debilitating autism. This could have been coincidence, and certainly that is the view of health officials.

But there seems to me to be a lack of transparency over these things; if the total number of children who develop autism over the period of a year is published together with the number of children who develop autism with a short period of being given the MMR jab, even I could work out whether there was a causal link.

Part of the reason for the lack of transparency is that where there is a known link, then those few unfortunately affected by the vaccines can claim compensation – so it is in the authorities interest to keep quiet.

With regards the covid vaccine, the benefit of preventing large scale loss of life outweighed the few that have suffered adverse side-effects – I’m not even sure that the authorities are keeping close tabs on this.
Interesting issue about the possible link between vaccines & blood clots etc...but the article was suppose to be about a conspiracy to eliminate global debt but that wasn't explained
I had covid, long covid and now have rheumatoid arthritis despite two previous negative tests in the past.

reactive arthritis after a virus disease ( any) is "quite common". A fren' n me got norovirus and he had a swollen joint ( knee) four days later. Takes about four months to go down

posser really
how many would have died if they caught covid without vaccines.
yes you can do this
look at deaths of the population when vaccinated ( per month, say)
and compare with a year previously when unvaccinated

gives you the excess deaths per month
x 12 and it gives an idea

and it is around 100 000 - hundred thou
which I think is low
but so what
I ask Canary

Canary42 'Do you not think you owe an apology for your past opinions then, Canary?'

Canary answers

Having suffered a blood clot on the brain (which led to a permanent driving ban) after having the A/Z vaccine, I have a lot of sympathy with such conspiracy theories.

Perlease, this kind of question always makes me laugh! Most of the time we think our politicians can't organise a peace up in a brewery, yet disparate leaders many of which hate each other can all work together to concoct a fake virus to cancel world debt! Right oh!
Why not take debt cancellation one step further and wipe out fuel bills?

Drivel and dumbassity.
As jno said on your near identical previous thread ‘there are 7.98bn people in the world. Sooner or later you'll find Mr/Ms Right who agrees with you’

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