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Goodworth Clatford Quiz 2022

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semajnai | 08:26 Wed 04th Jan 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
This brain numbing cryptic quiz is around again, closing date 17 January. I am struggling generally.. In the section that requires me to find the "odd one out", one question lists "laugh, nocturnal, rugby, smarten". I can see a possible, probably unlikely, connection through the Seven Dwarves (Happy, Sleepy, Bashful and Doc respectively), but that does not leave an odd one out. Any profound thoughts?


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lAUGh, nOCTurnal, rugby, sMARten
08:37 Wed 04th Jan 2023
Your flags one looks good to me jj109
Cameroon is the only one not to end with an 'A'
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I am not sure about the flags answer. While it is true that the stars on all but one have five points, each of those flags has a different number of stars. All a bit imprecise for this setter. More pondering!!
To be honest of my two suggestions I liked the capitals answer more!
Thanks for the answers and suggestions

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Goodworth Clatford Quiz 2022

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