I have a scar between my neck and my chest. I don't mind it most the time but if I have any alcohol it will go really red and looks horrible. Is there anything that will make it less red if I'm drinking?
It seems as if the alcohol is causing an allergic reaction in the sensitive skin, try using a really good Anti-histimine, try an get one that targets the skin sensitivity.
I have extensive scarring on my body and I'm generally enough to frighten small children out of swimming pools lol. The only thing I ever found that fades them is bio oil as wispy said, but then mine don't get worse I don't think with alcohol.What type of scar is it, as mine are brands and cuts, and I suppose it would make a differnce? You also have to use bio oil daily and use it for a while before you notice a difference, but it does make them look much less angry.
hey this is gunna sound silly but here goes - wouldnt you ever try a high coverage liquid foundation this is what id personally do as it covers up my red blemishes and odd spots and rosy cheeks so i dont see why it wouldnt cover your scar ? just make sure you get a colour to match your skin so it will blend in and no1 will even notice a thing