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No idea Pasta but it looks interesting. I hope someone knows.
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So do I Tilly. The tuna comments are almost plausible until you look closer. ;)
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mwaaahahahaaa! Love it!
Sounds like it's in India judging by the brief bit of music in the background
Some woods are quite distorted red cedar tends to develop those sort of shapes, as it looks like branch wood it would have fewer possibly wider rings due to more rapid growth and it is quite red when cut fading to russet as it seasons. Cut into even slices like that my first thought was for roof shingles.
I'd say it was a very fast-growing plant by the size of the annular rings
Says on that link that it's red sandalwood which would fit in with the Indian music
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I misssed that 237. I wonder, does it smell as is or is the oil a result of some extraction process...? Does it come from this wood?
I know, too many questions.
Dinosaur leg?
That fits, the branches and twigs are chipped prior to steam distillation to extract the essential oil
er it is this
from the site

It's the stem from Spatholobus suberectus. It's being cut into slices to be dried for chinese medicine. Medicinally, it's known as Ji Xue Teng or Caulis spatholobi

( I thought it was a flowering framboesia but so what)

and here it is dried and looking the same

caulis I suspect is Latin for Caul ( you know what I mean: other way round, but christ this is AB)
I've seen something about a Japanese chef receiving a special bit of tuna for making v . fine sushi. I know someone said it couldn't be, but that is what it looks like to me.
Well, there you go! I'm wrong and P.P. has got it to rights. Well done!
oh, I must be wrong then,
Does look a bit like this though
jourdain, you can see a guy wearing gloves holding it at the far end - solid and more like a tree than a fish

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