News0 min ago
3 Answers
I wonder if anyone can help me? I am creating a PowerPoint and would like the same song to play from start to finish, playing through all slides continuously. Does anyone know how this can be done. I am currently having to start playing the song then switching to start the powerpoint. Is there a way to combine through the powerpoint? Plus where is best site to find songs without any adverts interrupting?
Any help gratefully received. Thank you.
Any help gratefully received. Thank you.
See here: https://supp ort.microsof office/play- music-across -multiple-sl ides-in-your -slide-show- b01ded6a-28c 8-473a-971a- 6dfa92cc9367 #:~:text=On% 20the%20Inse rt%20tab%2C% 20select%20A udio%2C%20an d%20then%20A udio%20from, and%20select %20Play%20ac ross%20slide s. (That covers the more recent versions of...
15:03 Sun 20th Sep 2020
See here:
https:/ /suppor t.micro m/en-us /office /play-m usic-ac ross-mu ltiple- slides- in-your -slide- show-b0 1ded6a- 28c8-47 3a-971a -6dfa92 cc9367# :~:text =On%20t he%20In sert%20 tab%2C% 20selec t%20Aud io%2C%2 0and%20 then%20 Audio%2 0from,a nd%20se lect%20 Play%20 across% 20slide s.
(That covers the more recent versions of Powerpoint. For older ones, click on 'Office 2010').
Although you might occasionally get ads interrupting Youtube content when streamed directly to your computer, those ads won't be present if you download the MP3 content to your PC using, say, one of the many free online services that can do the job for you. (Remember though that stream-ripping of copyright material is ILLEGAL!)
(That covers the more recent versions of Powerpoint. For older ones, click on 'Office 2010').
Although you might occasionally get ads interrupting Youtube content when streamed directly to your computer, those ads won't be present if you download the MP3 content to your PC using, say, one of the many free online services that can do the job for you. (Remember though that stream-ripping of copyright material is ILLEGAL!)
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