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Noises In The Night

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tiggerblue10 | 19:59 Sat 07th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Last night little Tigs went to bed but then whatsapped me just before 11 saying that he could hear creaking and carpet scraping noises and was scared. I went upstairs to assure him there was no one else in the house and that floorboards sometimes creak depending on fluctuating temperatures. I couldn't explain the carpet scraping noises....anyone know?

Do you hear weird noises in your house?


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I grew up in a very old house and noises in the night weren't unusual. As it was near the cliff top the whole house would shake when large waves hit the promenade below. The stairs would also creak some time after anyone ascended them, the creaking matching the ascent, this was very spooky. My first flat on leaving home was in the middle of a three-storey block and I therefore had flats each side, and above and below - fine for keeping warm in winter, but inevitably noisy at times.
I visited a cousin a few years ago and I heard a scraping noise above the ceiling. I wasn't sure what it was because jackdaws used to flock and land on the roof but I knew it wasn't them. Then I figured out what it was - there was a rat in the loft. Apart from the fact that he sounded like he had pit boots on when he was running about, the scraping was him gnawing the rafters to sharpen his teeth (as they do)
I also think it could be birds. I have starlings under the gutter/ in the edge of the loft above my bed and at night when they move about it does sound like scratching. In the morning it sounds like they are clog dancing!
Tigger - make of this what you will.

I was brought up in a very old house that my grandfather had bought in 1969. As far as he knew we had no links to that village, the house and land happened to be a good buy at the time.

Weird stuff happened there all the time, footsteps, cold spots, shadows, odd noises and sensations.

As a child I routinely saw a young girl. I even attempted to draw her. I knew her name was Emily.

Fast forward 30 years and i am tracing my family tree and a line that came from 50 miles north of there. You can imagine my surprise when i learned my ggg grandfather had married a girl from the village where i grew up. On further investigation, she had been born and brought up in the house I grew up in. Her name was Emily.
When I first moved into this flat there used to be a horrible noise from above the bathroom.

It turned out the extended are in the roof had a metal roof that Pigeons and Gulls seemed to use as a dance floor or racetrack.

They roost in the area out the back during the summer and they loved to dance on the skylight for Frankie.
Have you lived there long? Sometimes older houses seem to replay the activity of people who used to live there. Like a video loop

I would suggest you take the line it's his guardian angel, checking on him if it keeps happening..
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That is spooky, BM but what a coincidence.

There was an elderly chap who lived here until 2016 when he died of cancer. His grandson lived in the house until his son wanted to sell it in 2020.
did you fund out anything about her in your research, Barmaid?
Burn some sage and politely ask him to leave, remind him it's no longer his home but you will take care of it now it is in your keeping
A Pest Controller once told me that squirrels can get into your loft and do damage. Don't know how they'd get in but that's what he said.

The other thing is, do you think he might have been having a bad dream? Did you hear anything when you went upstairs?
JNO i found out no more than dates and a little of her schooling. I found out more about her father and brothers.

She was my ggg grandfather's 3rd wife. She is buried in the village churchyard, but he is buried with wife no 2 50 miles north despite having died on the south coast.

Im quite taken with her tho. Id love to find a pic of her.
Is little Tiggs ok tonight tigger?
My story is similar to Chris's.
I was in the hospital at the time and dreamt I was in my childhood home and I could hear someone coming up the stairs.
I wasn't worried though as I knew my Dad would deal with it.
Then my bedroom door opened and I shot up in my hospital bed and screamed at the top of my voice.
I then lay down and went straight back to sleep!
The next day I was told I had woken everyone up in the ward and 2 nurses came charging to the ward from the nurses' station and I was fast asleep. :-)
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Hes fine tonight, Pasta.

Last night after he told me, i stayed upstairs, went to bed and watched stuff on my tablet until nearly 1am. Then in the morning he told me he heard a few more noises afterwards but fell asleep soon after.
Our friend had squirrels in his loft and the idiot took a shotgun to them. It didn’t do his roof much good.

I used to live in a seriously ‘haunted’ house. I wouldn’t want a repeat performance.
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I'll tell him squirrels might be up there too. There's loads of them around here as it's a woodlandy area.
I used to be convinced there was something alive in my attic. Just before Christmas I took a rare trek up there and found no sign of anything.
Could have been birds on the roof.
Spooky stories? Here goes. We hear noises in this house constantly. Family say it's haunted. Why? The last but one owner of this house committed suicide when he found out that his wife was having an affair with a local bookmaker. He drowned himself in a local mill pond. Before he did that, at some time he wrote his intials in clear clue on the inside of the garage. This was only visible when you stood in a certain position, and the glue had run, like in those horror tales with dribbles down from the writing. The family say he still haunts this house, which is load of cobblers. Dead is dead. The only thing haunting me right now is how to manage my finances. Oh, and we demolished the garage a few years ago and replaced it with a new one.

Is there anybody there! :o)
Could little Tigs be winding you up ?

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