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A Donation To Charity In Lieu Of Flowers.

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sandyRoe | 11:50 Tue 10th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What amount would be appropriate? The cost of a wreath? How much would that be?


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Whatever you can spare, Sandy, I doubt there's an audit.
Douglas is right. Whatever you feel like giving.
It also depends on how close you were to the deceased. We lost a much loved family friend recently and put £100 in the pot for local hospices.
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Thank you all.
well you arent going to trumpet it are you?
o I gave £25 to....

so it is between you and the Saints - and remember giftaid
St Matthew told me that....
(publican you godless lot)
^unless you read a different version and discover he was a tax collector. Blimey! And from one of the Godless too!
In my experience, people have donated from £5 up to £50 or more. We didn’t expect any particular amount but were just grateful for any and all. Some people didn’t donate at all and we didn’t think any the worse of them.

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