Hi I'm the opposite. I take 1.5 questran in the morning in pineapple juice (since November) and have put on c/1/2 stone. I guess its the combination of juice (sugar) and not 'losing it' every day :-)
Don't know if you are generally eating healthier instead? Or have more energy and doing more?
Looking at your other post, I was diagnosed ibs tried lactose etc but the SeChat got the bile salt and I;m so glad I know it's made such a difference to my skin etc.(not to say staying at peoples houses etc!) I know I was deficient on vit d and iron so don't know if that's picked up yet. I really thougth it was coeliac (irish and apparently we get it along with the italians) but all my family have had weird stomach stuff and all been diagnosed differently. Anyway am so happy with Questran. Has seriously changed my quality of life. Think you should just ask your gp re the loss but maybe you are more energetic?