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Is Rick Sanchez Okay To Simp For?

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Hydron | 02:25 Wed 11th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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Er, is that the Rick Sanchez in the US TV series Rick and Morty or the Rick Sanchez who got himself fired from the US TV news channel, CNN?

Either way, posting your question here on a UK-based website is likely to leave just about all of our members totally baffled! We don't watch the same TV programmes that you do!
Question Author
THE US show
What does, "simp for" mean?
Another good point, TCL. Posting a question on a UK website, when using terminology that's simply not used here about a a programme that nobody here watches anyway probably isn't going to get a lot of meaningful answers!
This has to be one of the most meaningless questions we've ever had on AB
Does one simp at someone or for them?
Lord knows, Sandy. Perhaps people post dirge trying to sound clever without even knowing what they mean themselves.
A simple question that simply doesn't have a simple answer.

Have I simped enough?
No, 1ozzy. You need to up your game and simp some more ;)
I'm simply too simple to.
Simply not good enough. This simply won't do.
This has to be one of the most meaningless questions we've ever had on AB

no it has meaning: but none of knows what it is.
The Great American People fought the revolutionary war so that you cd be free to simp for whom ever you want

go for it boy!

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Is Rick Sanchez Okay To Simp For?

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