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Iq 1786

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hankir | 20:19 Sat 14th Jan 2023 | Crosswords
12 Answers
A letter has to be removed from each clue. (In one case, a word is removed).

8 Slouch fending off rhino (4)

23 Smites biblical Academician supporting crux of sacrilegious point (5)

38 Beasts like morose English and American lords (6)




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8 Loll, slouch - drop the Y (f)Ending in Lolly, money, rhino (a crossword favourite)
23 Lepta, Mites
38 Elands, like mo(r)ose.
Question Author
Thanks NAC.
Lords=Lands is new.
Thanks, Hankir. I hadn't checked, confirmed the Lands, Lords earlier - but I have now. There were several tricky bits in this puzzle!
Question Author
Yes, NAC.
I have some answers (11a, 22, 32, 27d)but have not parsed them.

The theme is still a mystery but 1d seems to be a building for ships.
Still 4 to solve.
Extra letters don't mean much yet.
Question Author
Google is wonderful.
I found the place and object. Character who is 12 but one letter is common, so 11.
Will continue to figure out rest.
Thanks,Hankir - and lovely to hear you are getting on so well with this. Enjoy the rest!
11(def) 'wax thread su[i]tor... used' LIN(k)+ GEL (posh 'girl').
22 'kyrgysztani [s]ackers' = som (currency) [removed from]'[som]E' + L.S.E. (uni)
32 'mille[r]' = abbrev m + [away from] HAR(m) after LA (LAHAR 'mudslide').
27d 'nearly half of ro[o]t' = BALDerdash.

These might help with the instructions, hankir - the endgame is quite complex.
Question Author
Thanks ProfessorM.
Figured out all except what to do with instruction from across clues.
The clue number is given and have to drop the object. But where and how is not clear as yet.
Taking the last five letters of suggested clue answer and dropping it does not give me real words.
It does if you go all the way down (changing the final across answer).
Question Author
Thanks ProfessorM
Just to clarify, hankir - the 'given clue answer' you mention begins the second of the 'two instructions', no part of that clue answer is moved.
I'm pretty sure you know which object partly goes down (it's mentioned in the wiki piece) but thought I'd mention it because the clue answer also ends in a 5 letter word.

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Iq 1786

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