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What Relation Am I To The Child Of My Nieces Daughter?S

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sandyRoe | 23:27 Sat 14th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
A great uncle?


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The Bank of England calculator shows £100 in 1993 was £197.38 last November.
sandy, hope you soon get the help you so desperately need

thinking of you

stay safe

; )
The way I read the question is that your niece has a grandchild (your niece has a daughter and she has a child).
That makes you the great-great-uncle. You are an uncle to your niece and a great uncle to your niece's child. You are a great-great uncle to your niece's daughter's child.
That is quite something. I have a suspicion you have not worded your question properly though. I apologize if you have.
Uncle to neice

Great uncle to nieces’ daughter

Great-great uncle to nieces’ daughters’ child
great great uncle, though some people, especially Americans, seem to prefer "great grand uncle" along the lines of "great grandfather".
Sandy, I'm glad you took the first step to phone someone. I hope you don't mind me asking if it was Cuan Mhuire? As you live in Belfast it's not far from you.
^ Sandy , please don't be put off by the name, they help all denominations and none
Question Author
My niece's daughter gave birth to a 7lb 2oz son this morning.
A happy day and the wheel of life keeps turning.
Congratulations to yourself and family Sandy :-)
Lovely news, Sandy, congratulations! Now isn't that a reason to keep going on!
Congratulations to everyone, Sandy :-)
Hope you're ok Sandy

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