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Apple Ipad

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bednobs | 15:11 Mon 16th Jan 2023 | Technology
13 Answers
i am an android person and all things apple confuse me greatly. However, i would like to buy an ipad for my daughter
in my head, apple products seem to go out of use very quickly (IOS no longer updating on older models etc) is that true?


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I think this has just happened to mine . It won't update beyond IOS 10. So I've lost Wordle and can't get pictures on a lot of stuff. Not quite sure how old it is nut over 6 years I think
I post as an apple person!
Since 2006 I have gone through only 1 IMAC , on my second one for last 3 years, and 2 iPads, second one in 2021. On that basis new iPad should last at least 8 years, until the auto updates no longer work
for young people that’s “like forever, innit”

unless Elon Musk takes over Apple, then things will turn to custard, and my prediction will look foolish. Let’s hope that ever happens
Ever!! Should have been never,obvs
Android does the same, though. I have an iPad Pro and a cheap Samsung and really neither does anything that the other doesn't.
My Android phone stopped updating after only 2 years from its release.
If your daughter specifically wants an iPad it's pointless considering an Android
Never had a problem using Apple but then I’ve never kept one longer than 4 years, it’s the phones that bug me, no sooner had I bought the 13 then the 14 was launched but I won’t be chasing the new model, this one will suffice
One more thing , it depends on the currency of the iPad you buy. There are internet offers for models going back a bit. You should make sure you are buying the very latest edition!!
I'm still using an IPhone6 which is fine as I only really use what's app and only 3/4 people have the number. I take the odd photo and use google. I think it costs me under a tenner a month
I bought my phone ( well hubby did) Margo so I only pay £6 a month ( discounted with Sky) for my SIM
I wouldn't touch anything apple with a bargepole but that's a very biased view. Mainly because they are not intuitive to the way I work but I have worked in IT all my life and I accept that apple must cater for non It literate people. Most IT people I know use android but there are a few who use apple.
I have had my iPad for 6 years and it still updates perfectly
It's all much of a muchness.
People tend to stick to one or the other as the apps are not compatible. For that reason as much as anything I wouldn't touch an android device with a bargepole. On the other hand I wouldn't have a Mac PC.
iPhones and iPads were supposed to have poorer batteries but not sure that still appl(i)es.
You need to buy one with at least 64gb memory, preferably 128gb (this will be specified when you look at the details of what you’re buying). Each update takes up more memory so the lower gb model you buy, the shorter time it will last. Having said that, I’ve had my current iPad Air for about 8 years now with no issues.
Ich, you say the apps aren't compatible but I use a lot both on Android and iPad and they sync across perfectly.

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