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Patsy33 | 18:10 Tue 17th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Wasn't sure where to put this.
My son and his friend are supposed to see Ricky Gervais tomorrow in Cardiff. Friend purchased tickets with Viagogo on line. Tickets still haven't showed up. I think son said they download them once sent.
I've just read that Viagogo is not an official site, it's a third selling agency that sell tickets that people don't want and sell them on for a profit. The friend keeps ringing and complaining, but they assure him they will get them! So disappointing.. Anyone know or had experience with Viagogo??


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"The court order also prevents Viagogo from giving misleading information about the number of tickets left for a show, to prevent fans being pressured into making a purchase by the suggestion that there are fewer seats left than there really are." -

"I bought WOMAD tickets via viagogo by mistake thinking they were from the actual sites ticket sales. I was surprised by the high price but felt pressure to buy them due to the descending timer. I realised my mistake after I bought them and was able to cancel. The reason I am logging this now is that I see they are currently no. ! on Google. AVOID at all costs!

Date of experience: 13 January 2022" -

//felt pressure to buy them due to the descending timer.//

I'm surprised that they are allowed to have a descending timer at all. Surely the practice of having a descending timer is a way of pressurising the buyer to purchase tickets without doing their due diligence?

I suspect it won't be too long before Viagogo are 'brought before' the CMA once more - one can only hope.
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Just heard from my son. Got tickets! Only just...
Now, whether they let them in is another story.
I've passed on all the information to him.
Thanks everyone.
I'll keep you updated, x
Thanks for the update, Patsy
i dont get how the venue would know where you bought the tickets
They have a record of the sales from the approved reseller, if it is not your name on the ticket and they have no record of the resale, you don't get in
All electronic so everyone will be scanned in and they can detect the Viagogo sales that way.

Fingers crossed for him.
i am so last century- i imagined the actual tickets being handed in at the door
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Thank you, Maydup. :-)
//They have a record of the sales from the approved reseller, if it is not your name on the ticket//I still dont know how they know your name and whether it differs from the ticket name. If viagogos tickets were bought in the normal way initially how'd the venue know its been resold?

Anyway its all put me off from considering use viagogo
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Well, they got in!!
Just had a video sent from son, inside the Venue. So relieved for them, after all the horror stories.. :-))
Good for them. At least sites like Viagogo and Stubhub have some sort of come back if things go wrong (unlike buying tickets on Ebay or touts)
Have been following the story, Patsy. What a relief that all has ended happily.
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Yes, that's true, 237.
Still got to be careful though.
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Thanks Hazlinny.. :-)
Yes you have. I have had some fantastic seats from touts outside of a venue though. Not sure I would do it now.
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You were very lucky, 237!
Good if you can manage it :-)

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