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Fao : Minty

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lady-janine | 17:19 Thu 19th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Cor minty your young lad's doing well.

You must be proud of him.


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Hey Lady-J. In-laws are here so I've finally found out where in Penzance we were (had to ask MIL). We had a drink at The Farmers Arms on Causeway Head. We didn't stray too far away from that vicinity really.

Funnily enough we had beautiful weather that day but back in St Ives it wasn't too great, or so we learned when we got back.

Sorry for diverting this thread xx
That's ma boy !
He’s a Trojan, that Andy Murray.

I hope it hasn’t taken too much out of him. Stupid to start a tennis match at that time of night.
Anyway, well done him. And the crowd who stayed.

Ooh, hang on. We are talking about Andy, aren’t we?

There's only one Andy Murray !!!
It was a great game. Andy excelled himself.
My boy gave him a run for his money though, didn’t he ? One of the nice lads who play for Oz, lucky we have a couple, but giving Andy his due, great match !!
Dinnae hurry a Murray ! :0)
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Ladycg - Yes Causeway is full of interesting little shops and I think you would like Marazion. You can walk over to St Michael's Mount from there - if the tide is right. Most of the main street shops are given over to visitors and galleries but it is still a nice winding road.

Sorry Minty. The lad was superb playing the way he did. A joy to watch.

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