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Extractor Fan

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chessington | 08:52 Fri 20th Jan 2023 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
We had an extractor fan in the kitchen with shutters on the front to keep out the draft, so when the fan was on they opened and shut when finished, now the council have replaced the fan and it does not have the shutters on the front and the heating keeps coming on, any suggestions, can you buy something to help or not? TIA


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Have you got a gravity type shutter on the outside?
You can purchase a backdraft shutter to stop cold air entering your home and help you save money on your heating bills. It's a relatively simple process and the shutters are available from Amazon. The most common type of shutter used with agricultural exhaust fans is a vertical vane in either aluminum or plastic. Additionally, you should check the damper flap to see if it is just stuck open. If it is, simply move the flapper with your hand back into place so it is blocking the air duct. You can also get an exhaust fan draft blocker to restrict cold air from coming in. This simple device can be purchased at any hardware store and will keep all unwanted cold drafts out of your kitchen.

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