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Are All Prominent Tories Paying All The Taxes They Should Promptly

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sandyRoe | 19:24 Wed 18th Jan 2023 | ChatterBank
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unwise for girlie to speculate until all facts are known

no, I think we were asking for girlie to give more facts that she knew but was keeping - - - - - locked in her bazoom whilst smirking like the pussy cat that had got the cream
"the youtube clip was suggesting it was criminal but also said it was avoidance which isnt illegal"

yea indeed you have a better memory than me. It mentioned tax evasion and clearly described what the fella had done was avoidance and lawful. - A man is allowed to arrange his affairs in any way to miminise tax
that was Lord Foo-foo in thingey's case
A barrister said - "oh that is such a common principle, that everyone says it without the ref"
I think it is 1925 Duke of Westminster's case - Summerskill J.

I thought some little mouse had squealed - that is libellous,
and I had bellowed no , it is true and avoidance which is OK

or not ---- ( this is AB)

oh god Jan 31st approaching ....
-- answer removed --
Question Author
An error?
I'm reminded about the Lady in The importance of being....
A handbag?
Lady Augusta Bracknell.
Sandy, //Thought I've always claimed tax relief on charitable donations though not having paid any.\\

let us not pick on various ABers little asides
altho if a clarification were needed that would be one that needs a 'not' excised

how do you get an answer deleted about tax for chrissakes? In terms of charity before the tax year ends, I recommend your (one's) old university. Unfortunately mine is pouring loo-lah into lawyers' pockets concerning a sex scandal. - no not Christchurch - how different to the college in Jude the Obscure.

and dont forget giftaid...
thank God we heard it first on AB !
( deleted thread, but what the hell, it was there for 5s)
todays times
Questions for Zahawi on tax bill and offshore trust

basically someone noticed ( no one on AB thank God) -
that he had insisted on putting his poll company at arms length ( quite right)
and then had paid £3m on its behalf ( oops then not arms length, not all right)

not a breath on AB I assure you
well my dears no wonder the deleted thread went the way of the world - one of the moddies recognised it was all true !

R4 tonite 17 20
Zahawi paid unpaid tax and a penalty - 30%
which is par for the course for volunteered nonpayment
"oops I forgot" is taken as an admission of negligence and the penalty taken is 30%
More for concealment - no not for concealment on AB - silly
concealing it from the tax man

you heard it first on AB - and then you didnt ! haw haw haw
(due to moderator action)

well I wdnt own a gold mine like
and then do my own taxes
but who am I to give advice to the Great and Good who rule us?
coo-ee hi! - - me
we are heeeeeere !

Beeb VERY bad at a fine - it is a penalty
Further news - Boris arranging loans with the help of the Beeb governor. All over the morning's papers
Mods must be polishing their delete buttons

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