there's the thing, Sandy, 'the heavens' don't exist as such, just some rocks and gas
fraid so it does - - so
from 2013 - just yesterday. Comes from Mansfield 1762 in R v Wilkes and was also in the opening sequence of an American justice tv series. Law and foo-foo, or long running Crime and Punie
and there is even stuff in Wiki
fiat justicia is "let justice be done" in ancient forrin. It is what judges used to speak. Now they just speak complicated crap ( ter daaah!)
not an awful lot about R v Wilkes 1762 - about the unlawfulness of general warrants
Is used I am surprised to see in Somersett's case ( the air of England is too pure for a slave to breathe) - High Ct ordered the release of a detained slave, no offence disclosed.
NO discussion pedants, over ruat coelum, ( singular) or ruant coeli ( plural ) which I learnt
but look ! ( idou, vide!) plural of coelum is coela not coeli
er - heavens !