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Indulgent Working-Class Parents And Stage Schools For Their Children.

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sandyRoe | 11:06 Fri 10th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
It must be quite a struggle to find the fees for such an education. Hearing how often actors are 'resting' through their professional lives is it a wise investment?


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Ha ha Naomi. He's 40 this year!!
I hope he goes for it.
It's true about what we study and then end up doing - my goddaughter's husband was the engineer who transposed the architect plans for the shard into the building instructions - he hated it - ended up going back to uni to read a Master's in Brewing, part funded by my goddaughter who's a lawyer and now he heads up a major company for brewing.
Son has decided he would like to shed his worries and demanding job for climbing trees again. He was a terror as a kid for climbing trees. But unfortunately has to consider his responsibilies and his wallet.
He could be a tree surgeon or forester.

If I believe what I read in the news, many people are making a very good living being social influencers or YouTube/TikTok/Instagram stars. I know a couple who are currently living off their YouTube income from diarising their life on their canal narrowboat.

Maybe performing and entertaining online is the new growth industry.
My grandson was definitely going to be a paramedic, he’s now training to be a Quantity Surveyor
Haha! I know someone who got her original degree in archaeology - and is now a midwife.

I wdnt recommend arch and anth to anyone at all - delivering babies you can live on the wage.

I think the working class parents want to give their children chances they didnt have. Around me, all the kids aspire to is smoking and hanging around coners selling phones and or CDs.

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