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Update Email Address

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Redhelen72 | 07:12 Wed 15th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
How can we change an email address on our AB account?


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Edit my profile?
yes,,, just checked, click on View Your Profile then Edit My Profile, you can then see and update your email.
"Edit My Profile" doesn't work. Well, it didn't the last time I tried to use it. Reported it to Ed, who said they knew about it, were working on it, and hoped to have it sorted soon. Don't know if they did sort it. Never went back to it.
I changed my email address that way.
I just changed my email addy and some other detail's on my profile and its worked, so whatever the problem was for you 10clarionstreet the Eds seem to have solved it but never let you know
To change your email address, follow the advice given by other members.

If you need our help then you need to contact us from the email address associated with your AnswerBank account. We're unable to change your email address if you contact us from your new email address or if you contact us via the contact form.
Question Author
Ed I did email you. Did you receive it?
Hi Helen, I guess you manage'd to change it now but lost your avatar in the process... you probably got to update the avatar hosting site (wordpress?). Must get round to doing my avatar myself, started but never finished

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