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For Fitdarren

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gness | 18:16 Sat 18th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I have no idea but I was cross. I missed the answers removed but there was a good bit of banter which needs to come back to AB.
I did look to see which of the mods I know was around.
The answers could have been removed or even close the thread if the trolls were trolling. Removing it was wrong.

It might....only might be worth an email to the towers. :-)


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Thank you gness. I thought it was going ok, but I had to sign out for a while to cook my chicken curry and when I came back it was gone! Yes, if I email the Ed it may come back after the weekend.
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All I saw when I returned was a string of answers removed. If mods are going to remove every post that is trolled by those few they're going to be busy. :-)
Question answered, I'm closing this thread now. Please remember -

• Any posts asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed.

I did not remove the thread you're discussing.

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