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If Shamima Begun Somehow Managed To Smuggle Herself...

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sandyRoe | 17:13 Wed 22nd Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
...back to the UK and then presented herself to the authorities, what could they do to her?



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I thought I read somewhere that if she came back here, she would be sent to prison.

She might win her appeal yet so ...
YNNAFYMMI, not accepting one extreme opinion does not mean an automatic acceptance of the polar opposite opinion.

In your example, for instance, how about 'phoning the police?
She is not Stateless, she holds a Bangladeshi passport/Citizenship.

If she came here she could be deported there as it is known she has said citizenship unlike the Dinghy people who destroy papers to prevent deportation.
I suspect the ECHR will rule that we have to keep her, as anything else would be against her "human rights", as defined & interpreted by those of low understanding.
"She is not Stateless, she holds a Bangladeshi passport/Citizenship."

That no longer appears to be true.

"Expert lawyers with experience in Bangladeshi citizenship cases have told the BBC that under Bangladesh law, a UK national like Ms Begum, if born to a Bangladeshi parent, is automatically a Bangladeshi citizen. That means that such a person would have dual nationality.

If the person remains in the UK, their Bangladeshi citizenship remains in existence but dormant.

Under this "blood line" law, Bangladeshi nationality and citizenship lapse when a person reaches the age of 21, unless they make efforts to activate and retain it."
//True. But if she made it back to England what could the authorities do with her?//

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if she arrived here illegally she would remain here. There is no way she would be deported to Bangladesh or anywhere else. It is also extremely unlikely she would be prosecuted and even if she was, the chances of conviction and a custodial sentence are remote.

This government - along with all others of every persuasion - talks a good talk when it comes to dealing with undesirables present within these shores. And that's as good as it gets.
"Under this "blood line" law, Bangladeshi nationality and citizenship lapse when a person reaches the age of 21, unless they make efforts to activate and retain it.""

Surely that would be against her human rights as it would make her stateless, which isn't allowed, apparently.
How can Bangla nationality be given to someone not applying for it?
Well this bloke thinks she belongs...
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It's good to see I'm not alone in thinking she should be allowed home where she could be reunited with her family.
Her family could always choose to go to her if they wished to be reunited.

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