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There Are Times When You Just Have To Ask’why?’

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naomi24 | 06:15 Wed 01st Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
A handbag stuffed full of chips was discovered in a Welsh nightclubs’s lost property section.

Over to you.


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Can't do anything as I'm laughing too hard.
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Sounds to me like they were eating a bag of chips in the queue for the club, and got in quicker than they thought, so, stuff them in the bag, cos if thrown on the floor, they might not be allowed in by the door staff. But maybe not. Hey ho! :o)

Maybe voddy was involved?
Looking for a heart-shaped one ... or maybe found one & nicked off to claim the prize ??
Maybe the owner had planned to go on to a casino.
Doug, you beat me to it. I was just going to ask if it was a gambling casino.
Why do people want to put those discs in their earlobes that make bigger and bigger holes? I just don't get it.

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There Are Times When You Just Have To Ask’why?’

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