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Smart Speakers

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Hopkirk | 21:09 Wed 01st Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Are they the future, or the past?


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I think that Andy Hughes must be a smart speaker; he does talks on cruise ships.
11:42 Thu 02nd Mar 2023
Ask alexe :-)
They're solutions looking for problems. But they do make money from that lovely shop - what was it called, now?- Ah, "We Saw You Coming."
Formerly known as Webcam World?
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I bought my elderly stepfather one a basic mini Google one, but he didn't get on with it. Various members of the family have tried it out. It is now consigned to the loft.
Being serious for a moment. What do they actually do, or enable you to do?
As I understand it, they listen to you all the time in case you have a demand or question.
OG. Then what do they do?
Then they respond, sometimes with an answer.
Whatever they can. Access the Net,I think, to find answers, play music, whatever.

I've a suspicion they (some ?) can also be connected to house systems to control them also.
I think that Andy Hughes must be a smart speaker; he does talks on cruise ships.
But we've no idea how he dresses.

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